The Gask Ridge

The Gask Ridge was one of the earliest Roman frontiers not just in Scotland, but in that part of northern Europe that was under the Romans. It was built somewhere around the 80 AD's during the time of Agricola, some 60 years before the building of The Antonine Wall.

However, recent archaeological research suggests that the chain of watchtowers along the Gask Ridge may have been constructed earlier under the Roman governor Quintius Petillius Cerealis as early as 70 AD.

A line of Forts were constructed with also Watch Towers along the line of the roman road which today straddles between Perthshire and Stirlingshire. It runs close to the town of Dunblane with the roman fortlet of Greenbank and stretches all the way eastwards to the city of Perth (Roman Bertha).

The main military forts and watch towers were in times past, built using strong timbers. The remains of a number of those Watch Towers running close to the Roman Road can be fairly easily accessed today, by anyone visiting the Gask Ridge.

Ardoch Roman Fort which is without doubt one of the most beautiful and evocative sites of Roman Britain, contains within it's vast boundaries, remains which cover the Flavian, Antonine and Severan periods. This was used by many soldiers of Rome during their campaigns in northern Britain. No present day visitor should miss the opportunity of walking over this ancient site and marvel at it's setting and those skills of long ago.

Bertha which lies just to the north of present day Perth, does not appear today to enjoy the protection that such a heritage should have. It's beauty also can be found in the setting by the river Tay. One can walk over the remains of some of the structure. This was in use during the Flavian and Antonine Periods.

It is estimated that the Gask Ridge had about 30 military installations built by the Roman army, from Fortlets and Forts to Watch Towers. The Romans excelled in the art of land survey and from these Watch Towers and Forts they could observe the movement of the northern peoples and the legions would then have advance warning of any trouble brewing in the mountains to the north of this area of Tayside.  In the area known as the Sma' Glen is the remains of the Fendoch watch tower.

The Romans had by 87 AD been moved from Scotland to the lands of the Danube, modern Hungary due to wars in this region, this left the Roman Army in Britain permanently undermanned.

One of the best stretches for visitors today to walk along to appreciate this lies between what is today known as Findo Gask and Trinity Gask. There you may be just fortunate to observe members of the legion V1 Victrix, P.F. The Antonine Guard, marching along and giving their praises to Mithras.

For more information see

The Roman Gask Project Website

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